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Friday, May 20, 2011


"Ahh... clutter. How I love you.  You fill my days with tension What if someone calls for tea? and shame  How can I exist in such a tip?"

Yesterday I uncovered the meaning of clutter, for generally organised, hygienic, and otherwise nice-quality people like us (that's you. and me.  people like you, and me).

It's not mess.  It's loneli-mess.

Often our home is empty- maybe we live alone- maybe we're travelling lots- or we could have a full house but "absent family".  When we create mess around us, it's because we need to be reminded that there's lots of stuff going on.  The subconscious message is:  we're needed,we're important!  On some clear the clutter...permanently... to get things sorted, once and for all... is just too lonely to even think of.  "what then, what then?"  the ego whispers.

What then?

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